Sep 24, 2021
In this Episode: Disappointment is part of any life that is worth living. We can learn to manage and use our disappointments to our...
Sep 17, 2021
Size Doesn't Matter
In this Episode: Not doing something you want to do because of your preconceived notion that your impact will be low, is a mistake. Small...
Sep 7, 2021
Stop Trying
In this Episode: “Do or do not! There is no try!” – Yoda Action Steps: 1- Excuse 2- Eliminate 3- Replace ARN Suggested Reading: The...
Aug 24, 2021
Overcoming Your FUDs
In this Episode: What is holding you back? Most likely, it’s you! What fears, uncertainties and doubts are running through your head? In...
Aug 17, 2021
Pockets of Waste
In this Episode: We all have pockets of time during our day, if we look back, was mostly a waste. If this happens occasionally, it’s not...
Aug 10, 2021
The 3 Laws of Focus
In this Episode: Learning to focus on what you want, along with, what and whom is in front of you are essential life skills. We discuss...
Aug 3, 2021
Improving Your Environment
In this Episode: Do you want to improve your life? Improving your environment will certainly help. There are 3 specific areas that once...
Jul 27, 2021
The 3 'W's of Action
In this Episode: Is your life going in the direction you want? Are you procrastinating on the important things in your life? It’s about...
Jul 20, 2021
Motivation vs. Discipline
In this Episode: Which is more important for success? Motivation or discipline? The answer may surprise you. Take a listen to our latest...
Jul 13, 2021
Your Circles
In this Episode: Your circle of friends is going to influence your thinking, attitude and even your income. As a child, your circle is...